6/23: Cord Blood Banking

Image credit: cordblood.com
It's nice that we can share some good news as a first post...

Our doctors suggested that cord blood and tissue banking might be something we would want to look into. While Mila doesn't fall in the immediate category of "YES DO IT" she would fall closely thereafter. Advances in what they can do with stem cells for heart conditions (and beyond) continues to evolve and who knows what might benefit her even 5, 10, 20 years from now.

Cord blood and tissue banking, as you might know, doesn't come without a hefty cost. Ryan and I decided that no matter what, this was something we felt needed to invest in. While, in all honesty, we hope we never have to use it, it would give us peace of mind to know we had it. After much research and many calls (if you know me, you know this is true), we discovered that Cord Blood Registry offered an amazing program called Newborn Possibilities. For families with a qualifying medical need, they offer free cord and tissue collection and 5 years of banking.

So, the good news? We found out on Wednesday that Mila's defect qualified for her for this amazing program! Now we don't have to the make the choice to invest in her future, we just are. Ryan and I can't thank the people at CBR enough for making this amazing program available for families like us. (Special thanks to our rep Heather who put up with me talking through tears on every call!)

Our collection kit arrived today and it's set to go in my hospital bag. Checked off and enter sigh of relief here.

If you'd like to find out more about Cord Blood Registry, go here. If not, we don't blame you, just know we're so happy to have it!

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