7/29: Keep Calm

I've never felt more like something was beginning without something really ending...

7/24: 39 weeks... and we're waiting...

39 weeks. 39 weeks. Thirty-nine weeks. !@#$%^&**&^%$#@!!!!

7/17: A Moment of Getting Real

Ups, downs, lefts, rights... it's all very real.

7/10: 37 Weeks and Getting it Done

Image credit: specialityproduce.com
Today marks 37 weeks. 37 weeks! Otherwise known as the size of a winter melon. A winter melon?!

7/4: She's how big?

 One of our favorite things to do since we started this journey was checking our apps (yes, Ryan has his own pregnancy tracking app :) to see how big the baby is. In the beginning it gave us something semi-tangible. An orange seed, a blueberry, a plum. Now it's just... well... entertainment.