7/24: 39 weeks... and we're waiting...

39 weeks. 39 weeks. Thirty-nine weeks. !@#$%^&**&^%$#@!!!!

This weeks ultrasound was uneventful as they didn't want to disturb her much and risk her deciding that now would be a good time to get out of position. My follow up appointment showed progress (I'll leave out the details here - you're welcome) and Ryan and I were so excited to finally hear things are heading in the right direction (pun intended). We're kinda sick of hearing how wonderfully text book perfect my pregnancy has been.... hello - we're anxious!

Finally this week Ryan joined me in my craziness. It was nice not be alone :) We ate spicy food (Mexican and Thai from our favorite spots), cleaned, ate ice cream, did laundry, shopped, cleaned some more. We received some free formula from all my "up late at night and I'll sign up for anything free or baby related" internet searching holes. Unfortunately, we also had to make the crazy difficult decision to put our cat, Buster, down. Life just loves throwing us challenges. 

As much as I have begged, Googled and wished, there's apparently no way to know exactly when this will happen. I downloaded a contraction tracking app that I lie awake at night and hold, ready to track... and nothing but good old Braxton Hicks.

We're ready meet Mila Rose. We're ready to face things and get this show on the road. 1 week till the due date. 1 week!! It could happen literally any day... any moment. And, after all the "come out already!" I've been yelling, I reserve the right to freak out and when it does happen and yell "wait- I'm not ready!"

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for." - Unknown

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